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President Assad Receives Joint Delegation From Russia and Donetsk

The delegation briefed President Assad on the situation in the Donbas region, according to SANA.
President Assad Receives Joint Delegation From Russia and Donetsk

President Bashar al-Assad received a joint delegation from the Russian Federation and the Donetsk People’s Republic headed by Deputy Dmitry Sablin, head of the Russian side in the Syrian-Russian Parliamentary Friendship Committee, and Donetsk Foreign Minister Natalia Nikonorova.

The delegation briefed President Assad on the situation in the Donbas region and the latest developments regarding the Russian Special Military Operation to defend civilians in that region in the face of the crimes committed by the extremist Nazis there, as well as the efforts exerted to the return of the people to their cities after the situation in many areas has stabilized and reconstruction has begun.

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The delegation members expressed their will to strengthen relations with Syria in all fields and raise their level, as the Donetsk Foreign Minister handed President al-Assad a message from President Denis Pushilin related to this framework. His Excellency welcomed what was stated in President Pushilin’s message and expressed Syria’s readiness to start working to raise relations with the Donetsk Republic to the political level.

President Assad congratulated the delegation on liberating the greatest part of the Donbas region, stressing that Russia and Syria are fighting one battle against a common enemy while the United States runs the terrorists and neo-Nazis.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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