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Astana Opposition Negotiating Member: Won’t Make Political Concessions

A member of the Syrian opposition delegation in Astana-17 said that the opposition won't stray away from its demand of abolishing the regime, according to Baladi News.
Opposition Astana Compromise
Astana Opposition Negotiating Member: Won’t Make Political Concessions

Yasser Abdel Rahim, a member of the Syrian opposition delegation in Astana-17, said that their position as opposition factions has not changed regarding the political solution in Syria. 

“Our position has not changed since the first day, it is to determine a political path towards a solution in Syria. The objectives of our revolution are still before our eyes,” Abdul Rahim said in exclusive statements to Baladi News. 

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“The first step for any political solution in Syria is to overthrow the Assad regime with all its symbols and associates, to immediately release the detainees, to clarify the fate of thousands of forcibly disappeared in the prisons of Assad, the SDF, and Iranian sectarian militias, and to ensure a safe and voluntary return of the displaced persons and refugees to their lands and homes. It is not possible to negotiate any comprehensive political solution in Syria under Assad’s presence in power,” he said. 

Abdel Rahim said that the SDF, an extension of the PKK party, is an integral part of the Assadist (terrorism). He added that they “bred under his father’s care and trained in camps specially prepared by Hafez al-Assad for them. Today, they are an occupation force in Syria with direct and public Russian support, despite all the violations that have been documented against them, foremost of which is the issue of the recruitment of minors and the mutilation of our martyrs’ bodies. Accordingly, it is clear to the public the dirty Russian role played to sponsor and support terrorism on Syrian territory, in addition to its support for the regime which is the origin of all evils.”  

“The continued occupation of the territories by SDF with Russian support is no longer hidden from anyone,” he said. 

“Iran remains the primary sponsor of every terrorism financed in the Middle East. The continued presence of its sectarian militias over Syrian territory hinders any political solution, as they continue to kill and slaughter in parallel to the demographic change that this country is pursuing in major Syrian cities such as Damascus and Aleppo,” he said. 

When asked about the feasibility of their presence in Astana in light of Iranian and Russian presence, Abdel Rahim explained that their presence in Astana is because they feel the suffering of the people inside Syria and their legitimate concerns, anxiety, and fears. He added that they did not and will not make any political concessions as long as they are still on the battlefield. Their only objective is to abolish the regime, he said.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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