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Syria Calls to Lift U.S. and EU Siege

The representative of Syria in the UN has emphasized the need to lift the sanctions on the country immediately, as they harm the state's effort in the humanitarian and developmental fields, according to the Syria Times.
Syria Calls to Lift U.S. and EU Siege
Syria Calls to Lift U.S. and EU Siege

Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Bassam Sabbagh, reiterated the need to immediately lift the illegal siege imposed by the United States and the European Union on the Syrian people, which represents collective punishment and economic terrorism that greatly harms the state’s efforts in the humanitarian and development fields and the ability of the people in Syria to get their basic needs.

During a session of the UN Security Council, Sabbagh expressed hope that the visit of the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths to Syria will contribute to correcting the course of the relationship with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs “OCHA” and strengthening cooperation with it in accordance with the principles of humanitarian action established by the General Assembly and professional and objective standards away from politicization and the dictates of some Western governments.

Sabbagh expressed Syria’s condemnation of the Turkish occupation forces and their terrorist allies obstructing the delivery of the aid convoy to the al-Atareb region in northwestern Syria from the inside.

At the same time, the Syrian government in close coordination with the United Nations agencies and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent approved sending an inter-agency aid convoy to the Daraa governorate. The World Food Program resumed implementing its monthly programs and distributing food hampers there, after ensuring the security and safety of the convoy and humanitarian teams, and the reach of these aids to its beneficiaries.

He highlighted Syria’s commitment to work to deliver aid from inside the country and its adherence to its position calling for an end to the politicized “cross-border mechanism” that violates its sovereignty and territorial integrity and exposing the hostile role played by the Gaziantep office and the fabricated reports it presents.

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Sabbagh pointed out that the coercive measures imposed by some Western countries on Syria led to a significant shortage of food, medicine, medical supplies, fuel, and electric power.

This issue, he says,  requires urgent dealing, especially with the spread of the Corona epidemic which poses an additional threat to the health of Syrians. Britain, which does not stop claiming humanitarian concern, is obstructing efforts aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Syrian health sector to tackle the epidemic and preventing the competent laboratories from obtaining the equipment necessary to carry out the relevant tests.

Sabbagh stressed that improving the humanitarian situation requires full respect for Syria’s sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity- a principle confirmed by all relevant Security Council resolutions.

He also underlined the necessity of ending the illegal foreign military presence on Syrian territory and stopping the crimes and practices of the US and Turkish occupation forces based on prolonging the crisis and supporting terrorism.

Sabbagh stressed the need to compel the Turkish regime to stop using water as a weapon of war against the Syrians for political purposes, in order to ensure the continuity of the work of the Allouk water station and the flow of the Euphrates River according to the rates agreed upon between the two countries.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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