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Clashes Between Russian-Backed Fifth Corps and Armed Men in Syria’s Daraa

Two soldiers from the Fifth Corp were killed in Daraa following clashes between rival groups and rising tensions in the region reports North Press.
Clashes Between Russian-Backed Fifth Corps and Armed Men in Syria’s Daraa

On Sunday, clashes took place between the Russian-backed Fifth Corps, affiliated with the Syrian government forces, and armed men in the Daraa countryside in south Syria, killing two Fifth Corps soldiers.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Right (SOHR) reported clashes between elements of the Fifth Corps and tribal gunmen in the town of Sour in the eastern countryside of Daraa.

Two members of the Fifth Corps were killed, amid tension and mobilization on both sides in the area.

The clashes coincided with the assassination of a former member of the opposition groups by gunmen in the town of Mazarib in the northern countryside of Daraa.

During the few past days, Daraa Governorate has witnessed eight assassinations, targeting members of the government and security forces as well as and former members of the opposition, according to SOHR.

The town of Hayt witnessed security tension and a mobilization after a Fifth Corps official, who reconciled with the Syrian government in 2018, was kidnapped.

Recently, two centers for reconciliation were announced, the first in Busra al-Sham in the eastern countryside of Daraa, and the other in the city of Daraa, according to local websites.

The Busra Center was assigned to the Eighth Brigade of the Fifth Corps, and the second in the Maysaloun School in Daraa city for all wanted persons.

SOHR has documented about 651 attacks and assassination attempts, including 427 murders, among them 181 civilians, 12 women, and 15 children.

Additionally, about 191 Syrian government troops and pro-government fighters, including 76 former opposition fighters who signed a settlement agreement and became members in the government security apparatus, were killed.

The Russian-backed Fifth Corps is an alliance of five Syrian rebel groups that was formed during the Syrian Civil War in September 2014. All five units were affiliated with the Free Syrian Army and used the Syrian independence flag as their symbol until joining with government forces.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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