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Syria’s Friends Vow to Support the Assad Government

Since the US passed the Caesar Act, allies of Syria have been promising to stand by the country and continue to provide support and services.
Syria’s Friends Vow to Support the Assad Government

A number of Syria’s friends reiterated their support for the Assd government, despite possible consequences that arise from the Caeser Act.

In an interview with Sputnik Arabic, on the sidelines of the First Conference of Syrian Businessmen and Women, held by the Association of Political Science Graduates over a two-day period in Damascus, The Iranian Ambassador to Syria, Javad Turkabadi said, “I assure you, we will stand by each other, and the Syrian people stand steadfast alongside their country and its institutions.”

On Syria’s urgent need for oil derivatives, which are an essential input for agricultural and industrial production, which was specifically targeted by the Caesar Act, the Iranian ambassador said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to provide all of your oil and energy needs. We and the Syrians are in one boat together. We are working hard to overcome the obstacles that the United States and its agents are trying to impose on us.”

Ambassador Turkabadi reiterated his country’s condemnation of unilateral economic measures against Syria, concluding his speech by saying, “Soon, God willing, we will all celebrate the victory with our brother Syria.”

In Prague, the head of the Czech Parliamentary Group for Friendship with Syria, Stanislav Grospic, affirmed that the unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syria target the Syrian people of all walks of life.

In a statement to SANA’s correspondent in Prague, Grospic renewed his condemnation of the continuation of these measures which “complicate the lives of Syrians and make them difficult”, indicating that the European Union adopts a colonial approach towards Syria, which is unacceptable.

He noted that the coercive measures imposed by the West on Iran, Syria and Cuba aimed to subjugate the peoples of these sovereign states to the colonization schemes and the terrorism backers.

In Islamabad, Pakistani President Arif Alvi stressed his country’s keenness to enhancing bilateral ties with Syria, describing them as fraternal and close, the Associated Press of Pakistan reported.

During a meeting in Islamabad with the Ambassador-designate to Syria, Saeed Muhammad Khan, Alvi affirmed that his country attaches the utmost importance to its ties with Syria, underlining the necessity of enhancing these ties in different domains of mutual interest.

Alvi called on the Pakistani ambassador to focus on expanding bilateral cooperation, especially in the trade, economic and social sectors.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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