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Two Stories on the Israeli Airstrike on Pro-Iranian Militias in Syria

The recent airstrikes, conducted by Israel, hit a number of targets and caused casualties. These events were reported by both sides of the conflict.
Two Stories on the Israeli Airstrike on Pro-Iranian Militias in Syria

Late on Tuesday, Israeli airstrikes in Syria killed at least seven people, including two Syrian soldiers and five pro-Iranian militia members, according to SANA and a Britain-based watchdog said. Below are two stories publish on a government news agency and an opposition news agency.


Syrian Air Defenses Intercept Israeli Aggression

SANA (official news agency)

Shortly after midnight, Syrian air defenses intercepted an Israeli aerial aggression on Salamyieh and Sabburah in the Hama countryside and downed a large number of missiles before they reached their targets.

A military source told SANA that at 12:45 am, the Israeli enemy launched a new aggression which targeted a number of the Syrian military sites in Salamyieh and Sabburah in the Hama countryside. 

The source added that immediately after the missiles were spotted, the army’s air defenses targeted them and downed a number of them before they reached their targets, and they only caused material damage. 

Earlier on Tuesday evening, a number of the military sites in the countryside of Deir ez-Zor and Suweida provinces were targeted by a missile aggression, and two soldiers were martyred and others were injured, in addition to causing material damage.

A military source said that at 9:17 pm on Tuesday evening, hostile air targets coming from the east and northeast of Palmyra launched a number of missiles at military sites in Kabajib to the west of Deir ez-Zor and in the al-Sikhnieh area. Meanwhile, one of the army sites has been targeted near Salkhad to the south of Suweida.

The source added that two soldiers were martyred in the aggression and four others were injured, in addition to causing material damage.

In recent years, the Syrian air defenses have intercepted many Israeli attacks, which have been perpetrated to raise the morale of the collapsing terrorist organizations, which the Syrian Arab Army have been inflicting heavy losses upon.


Israeli Bombing Kills and Injures Syrian Government Forces Members at Several Sites in Syria

Smart News (opposition website)

On Tuesday night, Israeli air and missile strikes hit Syrian government forces’ sites in Deir ez-Zor, Suweida, and Hama, eastern, southern and central Syria, killing and injuring several.

Syrian government media said that Israeli warplanes coming from east and northeast Palmyra in Homs bombed military headquarters in the governorates of Deir ez-Zor and Suweida, killing two Syrian government forces members and injuring four others. The bombing also caused damage.

The sources added that on Tuesday night, Israeli warplanes targeted military headquarters in the Salamiyeh area and Sabburah, east of Hama. A similar bombing also hit the town of Kobajjep, south of Deir ez-Zor, and the city of Salkhad, south of Suweida. 

A private source from the city of Salamiyeh, who preferred to remain anonymous for security reasons, reported to Smart News that the bombing targeted the 47th Brigade, which includes Iranian forces overseeing a long-range missile system southeast of Hama, and the onion plant in the city of Salamiyeh, which is an ammunition depot for National Defense militias.

The bombing hit the fodder plant in Aqarib al-Safiyah, which is next to a training camp for Iranian forces, in addition to the cultural center in Sabburah, which is the headquarters of the National Defense militias. The source added that the bombing also hit a checkpoint of Iranian forces in Ithriyah, east of Hama, where there are about 40 members permanently.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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