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US Supplies Construction Vehicles to YPG in Manbij

A deal between Washington and Ankara ensured the withdrawal of YPG/PKK unit from the Manbij's city center, but now the are building fortifications around the city writes Anadolu Agency.
US Supplies Construction Vehicles to YPG in Manbij

US forces in Syria’s Manbij provided the YPG/PKK terror group with new construction equipment, allowing the terrorists to continue digging trenches and building embankments around the city center.

As the US troops continue its military and logistic transportation from northern Iraq to northwestern Syria, despite a deal between Ankara and Washington on withdrawal of the terror group from the city, local sources told Anadolu Agency that the US also sent aid to YPG/PKK units in the region.

Trucks, carrying four construction vehicles, were transported to Manbij. US soldiers escorted the construction vehicles, which included 3 bulldozers and one excavator.

The YPG/PKK use bulldozers and excavators to dig trenches and create embankments in the area.

Earlier, the terror organization formed embankments at various depths in front of trenches to make up a series of lines stretching nearly 30 kilometers.

The trenches can be clearly seen in satellite photos taken by Anadolu Agency.

The YPG/PKK terrorists also built tunnels linking trenches to use during combat.

The Manbij deal between Turkey and the US was inked in June this year, a set out the withdrawal of YPG/PKK terrorists from the city to stabilize the region, which is in the northeast of the Aleppo province in northern Syria.

Washington has claimed the YPG is a “reliable ally” in the fight against the Islamic State, while Ankara has pointed to its status as an offshoot of the PKK, a recognized terrorist group, which has taken some 40,000 lives in Turkey.

The YPG/PKK terror group is also in the midst of a military buildup along Manbij's border with areas liberated by Turkey’s Operation Euphrates Shield.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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