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President Assad Sends Cable of Condolence to President Putin

15 Russian soldiers were killed when Syrian air defenses shot down a Russian plane over the Mediterranean writes SANA.
President Assad Sends Cable of Condolence to President Putin

On Wednesday, President Bashar al-Assad sent a cable of condolence to Russian President Vladimir Putin, expressing deep regret over the martyrdom of 15 Russian soldiers following the recent incident of Russian warplane, while affirming that the incident was a result of the Israeli’s usual revelry.

“On behalf of myself and the Syrian people, we express our deep condolence over the downing of the Russian jet into the Mediterranean, causing the martyrdom of those Russian heroes, who were doing their noble duties, along with their colleagues in the Russian military, in the fight against terrorism in Syria,” the President said in the cable.

The cable added that the regrettable incident was a result of the Israeli’s usual revelry which always uses the dirtiest means to achieve its low purposes and carry out aggressive actions in the region.

“We are confident that such a painful loss will not affect our continuing fight against terrorism,” the cable said.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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