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Syria Crucial to Egypt’s National Security: National Alliance

National Alliance of the Egyptian Revolutionary Forces called on the Arab nation to recognize the "plots being hatched to fragment the region
Syria Crucial to Egypt’s National Security: National Alliance

The Egyptian National Alliance have reiterated their support for the Syrian people in the face of U.S. threats, stressing that Syria is an important part of Arab and Egyptian national security.


At a press conference, the National Alliance of the Egyptian Revolutionary Forces called on the Arab nation to recognize the "plots being hatched by the U.S. and Britain to fragment the region".


The National Alliance also strongly condemned the Arab League's stance on Syria, saying it rejects "the handing over of another Arab country to the NATO, as the League did with Libya".


Tahani al-Jabali, who read the statement, said: "In response to the current U.S. threats against Syria, we announce our full support for the Syrian people and government in facing the conspiracy and aggression, which also threatens Egypt's national security."


The national security of Egypt is linked to that of Syria, she said.


"We clearly announce our adherence to the Arab destiny and our rejection of aggression on Syria and the terrorism which is fueled by the Muslim Brotherhood, who are supported by Turkey and its NATO partners."


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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