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Jordan, Russia Intelligence Steal Sarin Samples

Doctor says Sarin samples were sold to the Russians and affected victims hidden
Jordan, Russia Intelligence Steal Sarin Samples

While delegations weigh how to respond to charges that the Assad regime had committed the deadliest chemical weapons attack in decades on 21 August, new testimony from field doctors have revealed a dirty game played by Jordanian, Russian and Syrian intelligence, who have been involved in stealing evidences and samples to hide the facts of the attack.


Eyewitness Yaser al-Shami, an emergency doctor, said he saw more than 900 victims which had not been documented by human rights organizations.


"200 families were killed in mass killing with no one left," he told Zaman al-Wasl.


The doctor said Sarin samples had been stolen by Jordanian intelligence during their delivery to the French embassy in Amman.


"They gave it to the Russians for thousands of dollars,'' Shami said.


Shami also accused the Jordanian mukhabrat – or secret police –  or substituting a family affected by Sarin gas with a healthy family due to visit one the western embassies for sample collection.


More facts have been hidden, Shami revealed. A medical team of six people disappeared in the Khan Eshieh area of thePalestinian refugee camp, southwest of Damascus, when they were on route to deliver samples to medical laboratories in Jordan.


Regime forces stepped up military operations in the Eastern Ghouta and Western Ghouta zones of the Damascus region on 21 August, using aircraft and rocket launchers, and causing the deaths and injury of dozens,” the opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told AFP news agency.


The intensive bombing on the outskirts of the capital could be heard by residents of Damascus, who witnessed a grey cloud capping the sky.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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