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Joint Prayer Held for Peace in Syria and Release of Abductees

Prayer organized on anniversary of abduction of Metropolitan John Ibrahim and Metropolitan Paul Yazigi
Joint Prayer Held for Peace in Syria and Release of Abductees

A joint prayer for peace in Syria and for the release of all kidnapped including Metropolitan John Ibrahim and Metropolitan Paul Yazigi was held on Tuesday in the Holy Cross Church in Damascus.


The prayer, attended by representatives of several churches and masses of citizens, was organized on the anniversary of the abductions of Metropolitans Ibrahim and Yazigi.


Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All East John X Yazigi and Greek Melkite Catholic Patriarch of Antioch and All East Gregory III Laham prayed for peace to prevail and Syria and for the return of all abductees.


Director of the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchal Council Bishop Jean Qawwaq recited a statement issued by the Syriac Orthodox and Greek Orthodox patriarchates, in which he addressed the issue of the abducted Metropolitans and holding the international community, international organizations, and all those who are in power yet do nothing, responsible for remaining reprehensibly silent over the abduction issue.


Translated and edited by the Syrian Observer


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