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Mujahedeen Army, Zenki Movement Deny Alliance with Hazm Movement

Merger comes a few weeks after the Syrian Revolutionary Front was defeated by the Nusra Front in Idleb province
Mujahedeen Army, Zenki Movement Deny Alliance with Hazm Movement

The General Commander of the Mujahedeen Army has denied rumors circulated by opposition media about an alliance with the Western-backed rebel group, Hazm Movement, in a new armed group.


Lieutenant Colonel Abu Baker refuted the news about an alliance with Hazm, saying, “we heard and read the news from the media only".


Hours before the Noureddine al-Zenki Movement also denied the same news.


Opposition media feeds said that Hazm Movement on Monday merged with the Mujahedeen Army, Noureddine al-Zenki and other rebel groups in what they called the "Free Northern Command" in Idleb and Aleppo.


Reports of the Hazm merger comes a few weeks after the Syrian Revolutionary Front was defeated by Al-Qaeda’s Syria wing, the Nusra Front in Idleb province.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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