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Terrorists Commit Horrific Massacre in Jisr al-Shughour

Over 30 pro-regime supporters executed by terrorist groups in the center of Idleb's Jisr al-Shughour
Terrorists Commit Horrific Massacre in Jisr al-Shughour

Terrorists massacred dozens of civilians on Sunday in the city of Jisr al-Shughour, northern Idleb province.

A military source estimated the number of people killed at over 30, saying the majority of those were children and women.

The terrorists, who came in droves from the Turkish border, did not spare the locals as they hid inside their homes.

The killings, which took place in a square in the middle of Jisr al-Shughour, were carried out in retaliation against the locals for their support of army units fighting terrorist groups in the city.

Local sources said terrorists vandalized and destroyed homes and property, as well as the city’s state institutions and infrastructure, after carrying out large-scale pillaging in the area.

The new act is reminiscent of the terrorist massacre committed in Jisr al-Shughour city in June 2011, in which 120 civilians were also killed.

Army units and armed forces raided a number of military posts on Saturday night which terrorist groups had infiltrated around the city and in the northwestern countryside of Hama.

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