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Jafaari to UN: Syria Battles Terrorism on Behalf of Humanity

Some countries in the Security Council deal with human rights principles as “a pressing tool to liquidate their political accounts”, says Syria's representative to the UN
Jafaari to UN: Syria Battles Terrorism on Behalf of Humanity

Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations Bashar al-Jaafari said on Monday that the Syrian government is willing to cooperate with all sides of “good intentions” to improve the humanitarian situation in Syria.

“Following the issuance of 16 resolutions by UN Secretary General on implementing three Security Council resolutions relevant to the Humanitarian situation in Syria, some countries at the UN still deal with this painful situation away from the backgrounds of foreign economic, military and political intervention in the Syrian scene”, Jaafari said in a statement to the UN Security Council.

The head diplomat added that it has become “crystal clear” that a number states who claim to weep for the Syrian people are the same countries who are responsible for events in Syria’s north and south, coordinated through intelligence rooms in Jordan and Turkey.

“Improving the humanitarian situation in Syria in a remarkable and tangible way requires abandoning that wrong pattern … It is impossible to talk about ending the pains of Syrians or ending the humanitarian crisis in Syria in light of the silence about Turkey and Jordan’s continued support of terrorists and using their lands as a passage for mercenaries”, Jaafari said.

The Syrian government, Jaafari added, has submitted evidence to the UN Secretary General and Security Council proving Saudi Arabian, Qatari and Turkish involvement in smuggling weapons and facilitating the infiltration of terrorists into Syria. “But we have faced a clear denial by some sides in this Council”, he said.

Jaafari stressed that some countries in the Security Council deal with human rights principles, protecting and helping civilians as “a pressing tool to liquidate their political accounts.”

“We, in Syria, combat terrorism on behalf of the whole humanity … whenever the Syrian army kills a foreign terrorist, it protects tens of innocents of those who might be potential victims of that terrorist when he returns to his country to practice his terrorism there”, Jaafari said.

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