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De Mistura Hopeful Syria Talks Will Resume in May: UN Spokesman

UN envoy sees joint US-Russian efforts to influence warring parties to abide by new ceasefire deal a hopeful sign, says spokesman
De Mistura Hopeful Syria Talks Will Resume in May: UN Spokesman

United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura has voiced hopes that the Syrian-Syrian dialogue will resume in the Austrian capital of Vienna in May, according to UN spokesman Ahmad Fawzi.

Fawzi said on Tuesday the meeting of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) is expected to be held on May 17, saying this is a positive sign.

He also said that the Russian-US joint statement issued on May 9 urging all parties to abide by the ceasefire is a positive development, adding that the announcement has increased the envoy’s optimism for resuming the Syrian peace talks.

The UN spokesman clarified however that there is no set date yet for the resumption of talks, affirming that de Mistura is working hard with Russia, the US and other ISSG members to activate the cessation of hostilities in order to recommence the dialogue.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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