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Turkey Reiterates Promise to Strike YPG Fighters in Manbij

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu says that Turkey is bent on striking PYD-led Kurdish militas if they remain in Manbij, as Euphrates Shield forces advance toward the city
Turkey Reiterates Promise to Strike YPG Fighters in Manbij

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Thursday reiterated that Turkey would strike PYD-led Kurdish militias if they remain in the city of Manbij in the eastern Aleppo countryside.

Cavusoglu's statements came during his meeting with a number of journalists and writers in the Foreign Ministry headquarters in the capital Ankara.

Cavusoglu said that Turkey's aim after capturing Al-Bab is to advance toward the city of Manbij. He added that Turkey has already announced that it would strike the PYD's Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) if they remain in the city once the Turkish-backed army arrives.

Regarding the expected military campaign against Islamic State (ISIS) in Raqqa province, Cavusoglu said that discussions with the relevant parties in this matter were ongoing.

The Turkish minister continued: “If Russia insists on protecting the YPG in Manbij and elsewhere, this will be a problem for us. We will certainly oppose this." He added that Turkey will support any Russian effort aiming to clear the area of fighters from this group.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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