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Aga Khan Network Signs Development Agreement With Tartous Governorate

Deal includes plans to renovate schools and provide health services to residents in the coastal province, according to government media
Aga Khan Network Signs Development Agreement With Tartous Governorate

Tartous governorate signed on Sunday an agreement with the Aga Khan Development Network to support citizens affected by the crisis in the coastal region.

Tartous Governor Safwan Abu Saadi said the agreement will serve as a framework to assist the province in most services and social fields, adding that upcoming projects will include the renovation of schools and the provision of health services.

For his part, resident representative of the Network Mohamad Saifo said that the organization is currently operating in seven Syrian provinces and hopes that stability and security will be restored to Syria in order to conduct work in all areas.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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