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U.S.-led Strikes Kill Top ‘Nusra Front’ Commander

Abu Faraj appeared next to Abu Mohamed al-Golani, the commander of the front, formerly known as Nusra Front, in the video statement announcing the group's disengagement with Al-Qaeda in July.
U.S.-led Strikes Kill Top ‘Nusra Front’ Commander

A top Fateh al-Sham Front commander was killed Monday in U.S.-led coalition air strikes on northern Idleb province, various reporters said.

Ahmed Salama Mabrouk, aka Abu Faraj al-Masri, was an Egyptian citizen who spent most of his 60 years in jihadi groups.

The two missiles that were fired from a U.S. warplane hit Mabrouk's car in Jisr al-Shughour town. Two people with him were also killed.

Abu Faraj appeared next to Abu Mohamed al-Golani, the commander of the front, formerly known as Nusra Front, in the video statement announcing the group's disengagement with Al-Qaeda in July.

The slain commander was released from an Egyptian jail in 2012 was one of Ayman Zawahiri's, the leader of Al-Qaeda, the leader of Al-Qaeda.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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