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Turkish Forces Shell Villages in Syria’s Kobani and Manbij

Turkish forces shelled Wednesday villages in the southeastern countryside of Kobani, northern Syria, with heavy artillery, according to North Press.
Turkish Forces Shell Villages in Syria’s Kobani and Manbij

Turkish forces shelled Wednesday villages in the southeastern countryside of Kobani, northern Syria, with heavy artillery.

The shelling affected the villages of Qijkran and Abu Nituna near the Kobani Cement Factory, a local source told North Press.

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“Approximately, four shells hit the vicinity of the factory,” the source added.

Days ago, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara would soon launch new military operations along its southern borders to create “30-km deep safe zones in response to threats coming from these regions.”

Turkey has recently intensified its attacks by shelling the border villages with heavy weapons to intimidate the population, displace them and replace them with the families of its affiliated armed factions, known as the Syrian National Army (SNA). 


The Turkish forces also shelled two villages in the north of Manbij, a city in Aleppo’s eastern countryside, northern Syria.

Media Center of Manbij Military Council, affiliated with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), said that the Turkish forces shelled the two villages of al-Mehsinli and Awn Dadat with heavy artillery.

The center added that the Turkish forces fired about 14 shells. However, no casualties were reported.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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