
Turkey: That’s What We Want From Normalization with Syrian Regime

In recent months, progress toward reconciliation between Turkey and the Syrian regime has stagnated, according to Nedaa Post.
Turkey: That’s What We Want From Normalization with Syrian Regime

Turkey has affirmed that there will be no further meetings with the Syrian regime as part of the normalization process initiated a year ago but halted in the middle of last year.

Oncu Kiçali, the spokesman for the Turkish Foreign Ministry, reiterated that Turkey’s stance on normalization with the Syrian regime has been clear from the outset. He stated, “We have consistently communicated our policy transparently and honestly. While we have no preconditions, the Syrian regime has imposed some on us.”

Kiçali emphasized, “However, there are certain objectives we expect the Syrian regime to meet concerning the political process, the repatriation of Syrians, and the future of Syria.”

In recent months, progress toward reconciliation between Turkey and the Syrian regime has stagnated, with quadripartite meetings involving Russia and Iran also coming to a standstill.

In late January, Turkey dismissed the possibility of a new meeting with the Syrian regime to discuss normalizing relations. A source from the Turkish Foreign Ministry, cited by the Russian news agency Novosti, stated that there are currently no plans for a high-level quadripartite meeting.

The Turkish source clarified, “There is no decision yet to convene such a meeting at this time.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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