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Syrian Govt. Engaged in Geneva Negotiations Responsibly, Objectively: Jaafari

Head of government negotiating delegation says he sensed an "understanding" from the UN team regarding Syria's concerns for state-backed terrorism
Syrian Govt. Engaged in Geneva Negotiations Responsibly, Objectively: Jaafari

The Syrian government delegation to the stalled negotiations in Geneva held a meeting on Tuesday with UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura and his team at the United Nations headquarters in the Swiss city

Head of the delegation Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari announced in a statement to reporters after the meeting that the Syrian government delegation engaged in a responsible and objective manner in every discussion that could serve Syria and its people, answering all questions and inquiries posed by the UN team.

The delegation, Dr. Jaafari said, “raised plenty of important points, especially regarding terrorism,” adding that the team sensed an understanding on behalf of de Mistura regarding Syria’s concern for state-sponsored terrorism that seeks to undermine political efforts through breaching the cessation of hostilities agreement.

Dr. Jaafari described the third round of talks as “useful and constructive,” pointing out that the Syrian government delegation will leave Geneva on Wednesday, according to the schedule agreed on in advance with the UN.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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