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Syria and Iraq Enhance Security Ties with New Cooperation Agreement

Iraqi Interior Minister Abdul Amir al-Shammari reiterated the comprehensive nature of the discussions.
Syria and Iraq Enhance Security Ties with New Cooperation Agreement

In a significant step towards bolstering regional security, Syrian Interior Minister Maj. Gen. Mohammad al-Rahmoun and his Iraqi counterpart Abdul Amir al-Shammari signed a memorandum of understanding on joint security cooperation in Baghdad on Sunday.

During a joint press conference, Maj. Gen. Rahmoun highlighted that the memorandum encompasses five key areas of cooperation. He emphasized the critical need for collaboration in combating the challenges both nations face, including terrorism, drug and human trafficking, and other criminal activities.

“Given our shared struggles against the scourge of terrorism and the criminal activities of drug and human trafficking gangs, it was imperative to formalize our cooperation,” Rahmoun stated. He further noted the past successes in drug control that have led to the dismantling of several trafficking networks and significant drug seizures.

Maj. Gen. Rahmoun also pointed out that while Iraq has made considerable progress in eliminating Daesh criminal gangs, Syria continues to battle residual pockets of Daesh terrorists who launch sporadic attacks.

Addressing the broader scope of the agreement, Rahmoun added, “The agreement aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various security fields, enhance cybersecurity, and facilitate the exchange of expertise and training between our ministries.”

Responding to a query from a SANA correspondent in Baghdad, the Syrian minister detailed the shared challenges of cross-border terrorism, border control, and other criminal phenomena such as money laundering which the two nations plan to tackle jointly.

Iraqi Interior Minister Abdul Amir al-Shammari reiterated the comprehensive nature of the discussions and the mutual commitment to the agenda outlined in the memorandum of joint security cooperation.

This new agreement marks a pivotal development in Syrian-Iraqi relations, promising a more coordinated approach to security and the sharing of critical intelligence and resources.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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