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Susan: Turkish Occupation Pretexts to Justify Syria Policy Deceives Nobody

The Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said illegitimate foreign presence on Syrian territory is a violation of international law, according to SANA.
Susan: Turkish Occupation Pretexts to Justify Syria Policy Deceives Nobody

Dr. Ayman Susan, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, head of the Syrian Arab Republic delegation to the 19th International Meeting in Astana Format on Syria, said on Wednesday that the world has witnessed further escalation due to the mentality of hegemony and exclusivity in the international decision that leads the policies of the U.S. administration. Syria has suffered from these policies that aimed to impose trusteeship and dependence on it and confiscate Syria’s national decision.

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“The U.S. administration used all its lies, fabrications and media misinformation and brought in terrorists from more than 90 countries to kill Syrians and destroy their achievements, and today it continues its economic terrorism through unilateral coercive measures and the theft of Syrian oil and wheat”, Dr. Susan said in a press conference.

Susan added the illegitimate foreign presence on Syrian territory is a violation of international law and aims to impede the consolidation of stability in Syria and to abort the achievements made in terms of combating terrorism and obstructing the reconstruction process.

“The pretexts that the Turkish occupation justifies for its policies in Syria deceive nobody any longer, and any statements in order to gain a minimum level of credibility must be accompanied by actions on the ground, as border security is a shared responsibility and its guarantee is exclusively by respecting Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs and the withdrawal of the occupation forces”, Dr. Sousan continued.

He went on to say that the attacks committed by the separatist SDF militia in al- Jazeera region confirm its association with the anti-Syrian project, and it must abandon its illusions because the Syrian people will not allow anyone to harm the unity of the country and any project in this regard is doomed to collapse and failure.

Dr. Sousan affirmed that Syria continues to work to provide the best ways to facilitate the return of the displaced to their cities and villages, and it has taken and is still taking the necessary measures to achieve this, pointing out that those who hinder the reconstruction process within the framework of exploiting the suffering of refugees to serve their projects should stop doing so, and accept the defeat of their project in Syrian.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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