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SDC Discusses Impact of Turkish Attacks on Political Solution In Syria

The SDC said Turkish attacks have a negative and destructive effect that prolongs the Syrian crisis, according to North Press.
SDC Discusses Impact of Turkish Attacks on Political Solution In Syria

The Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) discussed on Saturday the repercussions of the Turkish attacks on the path of the political solution in Syria with representatives of segments of society, political parties, civil society organizations and independent figures.

This came in a dialogue session held by the SDC in the city of Qamishli in northeastern Syria.

Hussein Azzam, the co-chair of the SDC Foreign Relations Office, said that “This session is a continuation of a series of sessions organized by the SDC in northeastern Syria.”

The SDC is the political wing of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES). It was founded in 2015 and includes all the communities of north and east Syria.

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Azzam added, they are convinced that the Turkish attacks have a negative and destructive effect that prolongs the Syrian crisis, and impedes the political solution in Syria.

He pointed out that the decisions issued by such sessions are presented to the world public opinion, the international community, the US-led Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, and the existing powers in Syria.

Abdulwahab Khalil, a member of the Notables’ Council, noted to the importance of holding such sessions under the critical situation the region has been going through for a long time.

“It is no longer a secret that the military solution has failed,” Khalil stressed.

He told North Press that the political solution and the intra-Syrian dialogue are the best solutions, and that “the SDC is working on holding such sessions to reach valuable results.”

Khalil pointed out that they should open up to the rest of the opposition groups that believe in a new Syria for all Syrians.

On December 13, Ali Rahmoun, member of the Executive Committee of the SDC, said the Turkish threats prolong the Syrian crisis and curb efforts to reach a political solution, especially since Turkey – if it launches a potential military operation against Syria’s north – “will destabilize the region, backing the crisis to ground zero.”


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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