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Sabbagh: Syria Won’t Normalize with Those Who Occupy its Territory

During a Security Council meeting on Tuesday called for the immediate, complete, and unconditional lifting of "illegal unilateral coercive measures", according to al-Watan.
Sabbagh: Syria Won’t Normalize with Those Who Occupy its Territory

The Permanent Representative of Syria to the United Nations, Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh, emphasized that the United States’ expression of concern regarding the human suffering in Syria should not distract from the fact that its misguided policies are responsible for causing this suffering.

During a Security Council meeting on Tuesday regarding humanitarian and political affairs in Syria, Sabbagh stated: “By lecturing on respect for the Charter of the United Nations and international humanitarian law, Washington attempts to obscure its own violations of the Charter of the United Nations, the resolutions of this Council, and all the principles of international humanitarian law. The United States persists in violating Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, supporting separatist militias in northeastern Syria, and exploiting Syrian oil and resources.”

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“Furthermore, the United States and its Western allies persist in their provocative and hostile actions against Syria, aiming to interfere in its internal affairs and impede efforts towards achieving security and stability,” he added.

Sabbagh emphasized the immediate, complete, and unconditional lifting of illegal unilateral coercive measures that contravene international humanitarian law. He stressed that these measures pose a significant obstacle to humanitarian and development efforts. Additionally, Sabbagh pointed out that the so-called exceptions announced by the United States and the European Union in relation to these measures are merely propaganda and have not yielded any tangible results. He further criticized some Security Council members who not only impose sanctions but also openly declare their unwillingness to retreat from them.  

On the subject of political affairs, Sabbagh highlighted the significant achievement of the recent Arab summit held in Saudi Arabia. He emphasized that the summit’s importance lies in the affirmation of Arab countries supporting Syria in preserving its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and in overcoming the challenging circumstances it currently faces.

Sabbagh further explained that as part of the Syrian government’s efforts to regain full control over its territory and put an end to the presence of illegal foreign forces, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates participated in a quadripartite meeting in Moscow on the tenth of May. This meeting brought together the foreign ministers of Syria, Russia, Iran, and Turkey. The joint statement issued by the participating countries emphasized their commitment to Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, the fight against terrorism in all its forms, and the need for increased international assistance to support Syria’s reconstruction. The statement also highlighted the importance of facilitating the voluntary, safe, and dignified return of Syrian refugees to their homeland.

Sabbagh made it clear that Syria will not normalize relations with those who occupy its territory, and that a political solution can only be achieved by eradicating terrorism, ending interference in its internal affairs, and rejecting destructive initiatives put forth by certain countries known for obstructing the path to a solution. He emphasized that Syria rejects any attempts to revive colonial legacies that have long been relegated to the past.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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