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Raisi: Russia-Iran Support to Syria Fruitful due to Syrian Steadfastness

The Iranian president noted that Russia and Iran succeeded in defeating terrorism in Syria thanks to the efforts of the Syrian people, SANA reports.
Raisi: Russia-Iran Support to Syria Fruitful due to Syrian Steadfastness
Raisi: Russia-Iran Support to Syria Fruitful due to Syrian Steadfastness

The joint efforts of Iran and Russia and their support for Syria in its war on terrorism have been fruitful thanks to the steadfastness of the Syrian people, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi affirmed, in a speech at the Russian State Duma on Thursday

Raisi noted that cooperation between Tehran and Moscow will enhance security in the region after it enabled Syria to overcome terrorism.

Read Also: Putin: Russia Iran Joint Efforts Enabled Syria to Overcome Terrorism

He added that the policies of the United States aim to weaken independent countries by destabilizing them and imposing an economic embargo, which represents a form of hegemony whose strategy has failed.

Raisi stressed that Iran is seeking to develop its relations with Russia on a firm basis without allowing the interference of other parties, indicating that the agreements inked between the two countries will further boost bilateral relations on the economic and trade levels

He reiterated that Iran will continue to work to face the unjust Western sanctions imposed on it and protect the rights of its people

Regarding the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Raisi indicated that its current practices will lead to its collapse as it storms the territories of other countries under the pretext of defense, but they threaten the security and safety of those countries and undermine true democracy.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.



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