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Kurdish National Council Criticizes “Silencing” of its Members in Eastern Syria

The council announced the kidnapping on Saturday of one of its activists, according to Shaam News.
Kurdish National Council Criticizes “Silencing” of its Members in Eastern Syria

The Kurdish National Council in Syria condemned acts that contradict all human values and human rights, which fall within the framework of the policy of silencing voices, preventing freedom of political action, and restricting the Kurdish National Council and the activity of its members.

The Council called on all concerned parties, forces and organizations that believe in freedom and democracy and human rights organizations to condemn these acts of intimidation that lead to more migration, increase the state of anxiety and tension, and demand that the PYD stop them and put an end to these violations, release the abductees and respect freedom of opinion and political action.

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The council announced the kidnapping on Saturday of activist Ali Najm Khanjar, a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP-Syria) of the Kurdish National Council (KNC) parties in the village of Bani Shkefti in the Derik region. His fate is still unknown.

The kidnapping was part of a series of similar kidnappings recently, targeting members of this party, members of the Council. This was the case with Mr. Hussein Suleiman, a member of the Central Committee of the PDK-S, Adnan Remo and Blend Mulla Ismail, members of the logical committee of the said party.

In other news, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced the imposition of a complete curfew in the city of Raqqa, as part of its security campaign against ISIS cells.

The SDF forces began combing dubbed “Revenge for the Martyrs of Raqqa” in the city of Raqqa, and the same forces continued combing operations in the villages of Abu Qabia and Hammam in the countryside of Raqqa, and in the area of Sarrin in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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