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Interim and Salvation Government Cooperate on Education

The Interim government of the Turkish-backed opposition and the Salvation government of HTS are coordinating efforts in education, according to al-Hal Net.
Interim and Salvation Government Cooperate on Education
Interim and Salvation Government Cooperate on Education

Since the formation of Tahrir al-Sham’s Salvation Government, the organization has closed all offices and ministries of the interim government, which is backed by Turkey, except for the Idleb Education Directorate.

The Salvation Government has maintained the Idleb Education Directorate at the head of its work in the governorate. This policy ensures that it will continue to recognize primary and secondary certificates issued by the Idleb Education Directorate, which are signed by the interim government’s Ministry of Education.

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Informed sources told al-Hal Net: “If Tahrir al-Sham cut off the Directorate of Education in Idlib governorate, it would lose the recognition of certificates issued by the interim government. This would mean that Syrian students in Idleb would either need to move to the northern Aleppo countryside or leave school altogether.”

Curriculum in Idleb governorate

The sources said that the general school curriculum follows the curriculum designed by the Damascus government, as issued in 2011. However, an educational committee of the interim government amended the curriculum in 2015, abolishing nationalist education material. The education committee removed lessons that glorify the ruling regime in Damascus, as well as any mention of either Bashar or Hafez al-Assad. It is estimated that around 4 percent of the overall curriculum was removed, with the Damascus government’s flag also being scrapped.

The source indicated that the Qatar Charitable Organization has handled the printing books distributed to 1.5 million students over the past five years. The number of copies printed from 2015 until the present stands at 13 million books.

Education on verge of collapse?

The same source confirmed to al-Hal Net that the Salvation Government does not provide support for any school in the Idleb governorate. Instead, support comes from local organizations under the following structure: the organizations meet 20 percent of total demand in primary schools, from first grade until fourth grade, while the organizations cover 40 percent of total demand for middle school.

The assistance does not cover high school, with just 1 percent of the total demand met.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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