
Hikmat al-Hijri on Jordanian Strikes on Syria: We Support This, Our Enemy is One

Hijri called on Jordan's King Abdullah II to ensure that airstrikes are directed exclusively against the targeted individuals, al-Souria Net says.
Hikmat al-Hijri on Jordanian Strikes on Syria: We Support This, Our Enemy is One

The leader of the Aqel sheikhdom within the Druze community in Suweida, Hikmat al-Hijri, addressed Jordan’s airstrikes south of Suweida, expressing concern over civilian casualties. Hijri acknowledged the pressing issue of eradicating the drug phenomenon and its associated activities, both domestically and internationally, particularly affecting southern regions.

During a meeting with a delegation from the southern villages of Suweida along the border areas with Jordan on Tuesday, Hijri endorsed Jordan’s efforts to combat drug trafficking through targeted airstrikes. However, he emphasized the necessity of avoiding harm to innocent civilians and material losses in the process.

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Hijri called on Jordan’s King Abdullah II to ensure that airstrikes are directed exclusively against the targeted individuals, especially considering their proximity to populated areas. Highlighting a shared enemy in the fight against the drug phenomenon, he urged cooperation between the two entities.

While supporting Jordan’s commitment to combating drug trafficking, Hijri stressed the importance of employing effective and civilian-safe methods. He urged residents of the border villages with Jordan to hold accountable anyone involved in drug-related activities such as trafficking, smuggling, or delivery.

Hijri also noted instances of collaboration between individuals on the Jordanian side and drug traffickers, leading to the smuggling of substances. In the context of the recent airstrikes, which resulted in civilian casualties over the past two weeks, Hijri called for continued efforts to address the drug issue while ensuring the safety of civilian populations and advocating for responsible actions on both sides of the border.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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