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Haddad: Syria Ready to Discuss Trade with Russia in National Currencies

Syria and Russia are both trying to end American hegemony on trade and finance, according to the Syria Times.
Haddad: Syria Ready to Discuss Trade with Russia in National Currencies Sanctions
Haddad: Syria Ready to Discuss Trade with Russia in National Currencies

Syria’s ambassador to Moscow Riad Haddad stressed that Syria is ready to discuss mutual trade settlements with Russia in the national currencies of the two countries, calling on the countries of the world to abandon dealing in U.S. dollars.

In an interview with the TASS News Agency, the ambassador said: “Syria was the first to call on the world to abandon the hegemony of the dollar because it is the main tool of American hegemony over the global economic system… Since 2011, Syria has added the Russian ruble and the Chinese yuan to its foreign exchange portfolio.”

He clarified that Syria is cooperating with Russia to serve the interests of both sides, including in trade and finance, pointing out that this issue needs technical research between specialists on both sides.

On the other hand, Haddad said: “Syria is studying the issue of official recognition of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics in the Donbas.”

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He added: “Syria is cooperating with the two republics for the benefit of the two peoples and is ready to expand this cooperation if it is in the common interest. The issue of official recognition still requires further study and coordination between the two sides.”

The ambassador indicated that during the visit that was paid by the Russian parliamentary delegation headed by the  Russian MP Dmitry Sablin and included representatives of Donetsk Republic on the 21st of December 2021 [ Two months before the developments that recently took place], President Bashar al-Assad said that Syria was ready to recognize the Donetsk Republic and there was an agreement to start building relations.

Haddad stressed that the mutual visits between the Syrian and Russian sides did not stop.

He concluded by saying:  “Not a week passes without a Syrian delegation in Russia or a Russian delegation in Syria, and this is due to the high level of relations between the two countries in political, economic, military, cultural, and other fields of cooperation between the two friendly countries, and it is always possible to talk about plans for mutual visits by officials of the two countries.”


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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