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Foreign Ministry: Syrian State in a Flurry of Work to Implement Political Program

In an identical letter to the UN Secretary General and the head of the UN Security Council, the Ministry said that it expects the international community and the UN to help in understanding President Assad’s this program and the efforts exerted by the government to implement it without prejudgments.
Foreign Ministry: Syrian State in a Flurry of Work to Implement Political Program


Syria’s Ministry of Foreign  Affairs said that the Syrian agencies are working hard to implement the political program announced by President Bashar al-Assad.


In an identical letter to the UN Secretary General and the head of the UN Security Council, the Ministry said that it expects the international community and the UN to help in understanding President Assad’s this program and the efforts exerted by the government to implement it without prejudgments.


''As the political program underlined the importance of ending violence as a priority to hold national dialogue, achieve reconciliation and rebuilding,'' the letters said, '' it stressed the significance that regional and international countries stop arming and funding armed terrorists groups and that the armed groups commit to an immediate halt of violence, as the army and armed forces commit to ending military operations.''


The ministry added that the program also stressed the importance that humanitarian aid reach those in need, rehabilitating infrastructure and paying damages to the affected, in addition to offering necessary guarantees to the Syrian citizens who left the country due to the current events and facilitating their return through border crossings.


The letters indicated that the Interior Ministry called on all Syrian citizens who left the country because of the events, whether legally or illegally, regardless of the measures taken against them, to return to the country and tackle the cases of those who don't bear any documents at the border points.


The letters also added that the ministry issued executive instructions allowing all Syrian opposition powers abroad who are willing to take part in national dialogue to enter the country regardless of the documents they carry, vowing to offer all facilitations to them through the border points.


The letters also reminded that the Ministry of Justice had taken steps for courts to speed up disposition in the standing lawsuits, particularly those related to the current circumstances and releasing those who have not been proven guilty.


The Ministry added that the High Judicial Council on Sunday decided to suspend all prosecutions, if any , against opposition political forces and figures participating in the national dialogue, indicating that the ministry will lay down mechanisms to tackle the cases of those who hand their weapons over to the competent authorities.


The ministry also stressed that the Higher Committee for Relief was tasked with offering humanitarian aid and facilitating its access to those in need, in cooperation with NGOs and international organizations inside and outside Syria.


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