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Food Aid Resumes in Yarmouk

PLO ambassador lauds the Syrian government for facilitating the relief
Food Aid Resumes in Yarmouk

Director of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) politburo in Damascus, Ambassador, Anwar Abdulhadi said food distribution to aid those in need in Yarmouk camp in Damascus is proceeding in fulfillment to the peaceful popular initiative for solving the crisis of the camp.


In a statement to SANA Abdulhadi said that more than 7,000 food kits were distributed in addition to the evacuation of more than 4,000 humanitarian cases along with their companions and university students since the beginning for the relief campaign.


"Since the beginning of the day, 400 food kits have been distributed, 700 humanitarian cases with their companions have been evacuated, in addition to 50 students in cooperation with Syrian Arab Red Crescent, Palestinian Red Crescent and the PLO medical point," the Ambassador said.


He lauded the Syrian government for facilitating the relief for the Palestinian people, pointing out that the work is continuing to fulfil the other steps of the initiative.


Abdulhadi also discussed with the Russian Ambassador in Damascus  Azmatullah Kulmohammadov efforts to end crisis in Yarmouk.


Many problems have been resolved, he said, including the delivery of food aid and evacuation of humanitarian cases from inside the camp, the ambassador pointed out.



Abdulhadi reiterated that ''there is no solution without a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as capital, and the return of Palestinian refugees according to UNSC resolution No. 194.''


He called on Russia to organize an international conference on the Palestinian cause.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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