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Erdogan’s Crimes in Syria Prove He Is an International Outlaw: Foreign Ministry

A recent attack by the Turkish regime's forces has shown that Erdogan is continuing to pursue occupationists and aggressive tactics reports The Syria Times.
Erdogan’s Crimes in Syria Prove He Is an International Outlaw: Foreign Ministry

Syria has strongly condemned the criminal acts being committed by the Turkish occupation’s forces against the Syrian people, calling on  the global community to act and force Erdogan to stop his crimes immediately.

An official source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates told SANA that: “Syria condemns in the strongest terms the Turkish occupation’s crimes against the Syrian people, the latest of which were the drone strikes conducted yesterday on residential neighborhoods in the countryside of Tel Abyad in Raqqa, which led to the martyrdom of five civilians, including children, and wounding several others.”

The Turkish regime forces and their terrorist tools and mercenaries keep committing crimes against Syrians, despite the agreements reached at the Astana and Sochi meetings. These crimes prove that Erdogan is an international outlaw whose intentions and deeds are based on occupation and aggression, regardless of his commitments to agreements as well as to international law and the UN Charter.

The Syrian Arab Republic, the source said, affirms that it will continue to defend its people, sovereignty and territorial integrity against the Turkish regime’s aggression and aspirations.

Syria urges the world to immediately move and force Erdogan to stop his crimes that flagrantly violate all international and humanitarian laws and conventions.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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