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Bashar al-Assad and Nasrallah Reach New Agreement on Hezbollah in Syria

Hezbollah decided to redeploy in Syria to help Damascus confront Israeli pressure, according to Nedaa Post.
Bashar al-Assad and Nasrallah Reach New Agreement on Hezbollah in Syria

The Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Rai reported that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah have reached a new agreement regarding the deployment of Hezbollah’s militias in Syria. 

The newspaper, citing leading sources in the Syrian regime, claimed that Hezbollah had decided to redeploy in Syria “to relieve Israeli pressure on the regime forces and fortify the locations of its missile force on Syrian territory, which will not be absent from the theatre of war operations in the event of a war with Lebanon.” 

This happened during a personal agreement between Hassan Nasrallah and Bashar al-Assad. The source claimed that “after hundreds of raids over the past years, Israel has failed to get Iran and Hezbollah out of Syria, resorting to a strategy of hitting the weaker flank, represented by regime forces.” 

Read Also: Assad’s “Dumb” Missiles: Why Israel Targeted Damascus Airport and the Kiswah Area?

“It is known that Hezbollah officers are among the sensitive Syrian forces centers, so Israel has decided not to confront Hezbollah head-on, especially after Nasrallah’s threat that he would kill any Israeli soldier or officer on the border with Lebanon if Tel Aviv killed any member of the party, even by mistake, in Syria.”   

According to the newspaper, Israel has deliberately struck Syrian positions where Hezbollah is not present, and where the regime is developing its missile capabilities provided by Iran. It added that it is doing so after contacting military officials directly and giving them enough time to evacuate the sites under their command before destroying them with guided missiles. 

Recently, a senior IDF officer confirmed that Hezbollah and other Iranian-backed militias had begun withdrawing from Syria after a series of Israeli airstrikes.   

The Times of Israel quoted the officer (without naming him) as saying that the IDF had determined that Iranian-backed factions had begun withdrawing from the area “due to IDF strikes.” 

The newspaper pointed out that “recent airstrikes have disrupted operations at the airports of Aleppo and Damascus, in an attempt to stop arms shipments from Iran to Hezbollah through Syria. 

“Other recent airstrikes that Syria blamed on Israel targeted a Syrian military site that had been turned into an arms factory in Masyaf,” it said. 

On September 16th, a group of Assad’s forces and Iranian militias were killed in an Israeli bombardment targeting military positions of the regime and Iranian militias in Damascus.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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