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Assad: The Constitutional Committee Must Work Without Foreign Intervention

Assad has emphasised that the constitutional committee should work without foreign intervention, SANA reports.
Assad: The Constitutional Committee Must Work Without Foreign Intervention

President Bashar al-Assad received Senior Aide of the Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Asghar Khaji on Wednesday.

Talks during the meeting dealt with the strategic relations between Syria and Iran and aspects of bilateral relations, particularly in the economic domain in a way that helps the Syrian people confront the blockade and the coercive unilateral measures imposed on the country.

Consultations were held on a number of issues, including the meetings held within the Astana process, the need for building on what has been achieved in the previous meetings, and topics put on the agenda of the upcoming meeting in Russian city of Sochi.

The talks also tackled the meetings of the committee of discussing the constitution in Geneva, with the two sides affirming the necessity of continuing the work of this committee without any foreign intervention according to the bases of procedures agreed upon and in a clear method and mechanism starting from discussing the basic principles then moving to the details. 

The meeting also dealt with the latest developments in Syria, Iran, and the region.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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