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10 Kurdish Fighters Killed in Turkish Shelling in Syria as Clashes Resume

10 fighters from the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces have been killed in a Turkish artillery bombardment near Azaz in northern Syria writes Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.
10 Kurdish Fighters Killed in Turkish Shelling in Syria as Clashes Resume

At least 10 members of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia were killed on Saturday after being targeted by Turkish artillery bombardment in northern Syria.

The Syrian news website Bawabat Halab quoted a member of the Turkish-allied “Syrian National Army” (SNA) as saying that Turkish forces on Mount Barsa, north of the city of Azaz, fired rockets and shells at the SDF fighters. 

Mount Barsa was captured by Turkey and its SNA allies from Kurdish forces during the “Operation Olive Branch” military operation in January 2018. 

The SNA source said that Turkish forces had bombed the SDF fighters after they had been spotted preparing for an attack on an area held by the Syrian National Army northwest of Aleppo. 

SDF fighters are present in Aleppo province alongside Syrian regime troops in the area around the town of Tal Rifat. Clashes between the SDF and SNA also took place near Al-Bab in Aleppo province.

In northeastern Syria fighting broke out between the SNA and the SDF in Raqqa province after a four day lull. 

Local sources told The New Arab’s Arabic-language service that the SNA had attacked SDF position near Ain Issa in Raqqa province, leading to fierce clashes. 

Fighting also took place in several villages in Hassakeh province in northeastern Syria. 

In October, Turkey launched an invasion to capture areas in northeastern Syria near the Turkish-Syrian border from the Kurdish-led SDF. The fighting ended with a Russian-Turkish agreement which stipulated that SDF forces leave the border area. 

However, sporadic clashes between the SDF and the Turkish-backed SNA have continued. On 3 December, 12 civilians were killed in a SDF mortar attack on Azaz. 

The recent four day lull in fighting coincided with an agreement to open the vital M4 road from Hassakeh to Aleppo under Syrian regime supervision.

Israel has ramped up attacks on Iranian sites in eastern Syria while Tel Aviv vowed turning Syria into a Vietnam for Iran and to drain Tehran’s forces there, Asharq Al-Awsat reported. Israel’s defense minister warned Iran against its continued presence in Syria, saying Israel will “work tirelessly” to prevent the establishment of a stable Iranian military presence in the war-torn country. “It is no secret that Iran is trying to establish a ring of fire around our country, it is already based in Lebanon and is trying to establish in Syria, Gaza and more,” Naftali Bennett said last week.


The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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