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As Bombardements Intensify, Schools in Idleb Take Extra Precautions

In the northwestern regions of Syria, schools are often targeted by Syrian regime forces, al-Araby al-Jadeed says.
As Bombardements Intensify, Schools in Idleb Take Extra Precautions

In the northwestern regions of Syria, schools are often targeted by Syrian regime forces and their allies, posing a significant threat to students and teaching staff. This ongoing situation disrupts the educational process, which has been operating under abnormal and emergency conditions for years.

To mitigate risks, authorities have implemented safety measures. Bashar Amara, a teacher from Binnish in the Idlib countryside, explained to Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed that in dangerous situations, immediate protective actions are essential. If a school is directly bombed, students are advised not to leave but to move to lower floors. School directors can make independent decisions without waiting for instructions from the education directorate. Teachers and administrators are trained to handle such situations calmly and deliberately, to prevent panic among students and ensure their safe transfer and protection.

Amara highlighted that different schools adopt varied safety strategies. In multi-floor buildings, students are moved to lower levels, while in single-story schools, they may be relocated to nearby shelters. Students are also trained to adopt a prone position during bombings to minimize injury.

The impact of war on education is profound. Amara noted that fear and terror disrupt both teaching and learning processes, affecting educators and students alike.

Ziad Arab, director of Al-Tawama School in the Aleppo countryside, shared with Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed that upon any bombing, the school undertakes several security and safety measures. These include alerting public education authorities, civil defense, and ambulance services, executing an evacuation plan, and ensuring students reach their homes safely. Arab emphasized the importance of managing students’ terror and fear during these incidents and the school’s efforts in cooperation with protection officers to educate students on safety measures.

Amer Al-Ali, a resident of Al-Dana in northern Idlib, expressed the fear families experience when bombings occur while children are at school. Despite awareness-raising activities, the danger to students and their families remains high.

The Syrian Civil Defense reported a surge in attacks on educational facilities by the regime and Russia, peaking last October with 15 school attacks. These included the targeting of Hussein Haj Abboud School in Sarmin on October 3ed, Najib Al-Daqs School in Al-Bara, Ibn Khaldoun School in Binnish on October 5, a school in Jisr al-Shughur on October 7th, and a school in Abzimo on October 8th.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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