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Syrian actors

Dead Bodies Found Across Syria

A number of murdered Syrians have been found in different areas of Syria, with no suspect being detained writes Baladi News.

Talal al-Barazi’s Empty Promises

As Syrian struggles with ever more difficult economic conditions, the Minister of Internal Trade has told them to not forget the support provided by regime, a statement that has been widely derided reports Etihad Press.

Clashes Erupt in Afrin, Man Killed

The Nour al-Din al-Zenki movement and militants from eastern Ghouta have engaged in armed clashes, after the al-Zenki movement demanded that a man leave his home reports Baladi News.

Regime Calls on Investors to Return

The regime has been forced to admit that its investment projects have failed, which it blames on an economic blockade, and has called for industrialists and investors to return writes Shaam News.

Internal Ahrar al-Sham Rift Deepens

Disputes continue with the Ahrar al-Sham movement, with no final agreement made on who will lead the group writes Enab Baladi.