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Jaafari: The West Won’t Be Able To Cover Impacts of Its Economic Terrorism Against Syria

Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari has accused the west of harming humanitarian efforts in Syria and called for the lifting of economic sanctions writes SANA.
Jaafari: The West Won’t Be Able To Cover Impacts of Its Economic Terrorism Against Syria

Syrian’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, said that the Western states that impose coercive economic measures against Syria will not be able to cover the repercussions of their economic terrorism against the Syrian people. He indicated that their alleged fondness for humanitarian issues will not hide the truth of their crimes, which aim to put further pressures on the Syrian state and hampers the reconstruction process and the return of displaced Syrians.

In a speech during a Security Council session via video conference about the humanitarian situation in Syria, Jaafari accused the representatives of some western countries of telling lies, which are clearly demonstrated in their allegations that the illegal unilateral coercive measures are not targeting the Syrian people and that they are exerting huge efforts to provide humanitarian and medical exemptions from these measures to extend assistance to the Syrians and that the Syrian government deprives its citizens who are infected with coronavirus from treatment.

Jaafari added that Syrian citizens are suffering from the disastrous effects of Western coercive measures that threaten the simplest details of their daily lives and limit the ability of Syrian state’s institutions to provide services to its citizens and to improve their humanitarian situation and living conditions.

He said the representatives of the Western countries are working to institutionalize lying and to turn it into an approach for their misleading and sabotaging policies.

He also clarified that targeting the Syrian people with economic terrorism is not new, but it is the result of the narrow vision of US administrations that care for and serve Israeli interests at the expense of the stability and security of the entire region.

Since 1978, successive US administrations have imposed coercive measures on the Syrian economy and its vital sectors, such as civil aviation, petroleum, energy, telecommunications, technology, banking, imports and exports, including the importing and manufacturing of food, medicines and basic medical equipment, to dissuade Syria from its stances in rejection of the hegemony and occupation policies,” he said.

Jaafari reiterated the need to end the Turkish occupation of the lands in northern and northwestern Syria and the necessity of ending the crimes of Erdogan’s regime that support terrorism, which has catastrophic repercussions and deteriorates the humanitarian situation of Syrians.

He also stressed the need for ending the US occupation of the areas of northeast of Syria and the al-Tanf area, holding the US occupation and its allies and separatist militias and terrorist groups affialited to it, responsible for prolonging the period of the people’s suffering in al-Hol and Rukban camps.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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