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Public Statement From the Self-Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria

The Self-Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria has announced that it will allow the Syrian government to deploy along the Syrian-Turkish border to support the SDF.
Public Statement From the Self-Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria

The Self-Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria, through its military forces, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which was formed from all the components of the population in the self-administered area, started and finished the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS). It began in the city of Kobani in 2014 and then continued the battles of liberation against ISIS in northern and eastern Syria. It liberated Manbij west of the Euphrates and then Tel Abyad until it reached the capital of terrorism Raqqa and then Deir ez-Zor and on Mar. 23, 2019, declared victory over ISIS, in the last pockets east of Deir ez-Zor after five years of fighting. This liberated geographical area is equivalent to one third of the area of Syria and cost the SDF some 11,000 martyrs and 24,000 injured, including some with permanent disabilities.

This was a high price to liberate Syrians and all their components from the oppression and brutality of ISIS and to preserve the territorial integrity of Syria.

Our political project in northern and eastern Syria did not call for secession, but we have been calling for dialogue and resolving the Syrian crisis peacefully. We have not attacked or threatened neighboring countries, including the Turkish state. However, it has and is still accusing us of terrorism, while playing an active negative role in spreading terrorism in Syria, which it has done since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, and is now assaulting and invading the Syrian territories, which the SDF liberated with the blood of its children.

Over the past five days, the most heinous crimes against unarmed civilians were committed. The SDF responded with bravery and courage, and many martyrs and wounded have fallen to preserve Syrian sovereignty. However, Turkey is continuing this aggression and in order to prevent and repel this aggression we have agreed with the Syrian Government, whose duty is to protect the country’s borders and preserve Syrian sovereignty, that the Syrian army can enter and deploy along the Syrian-Turkish border to support the SDF to repel this aggression and liberate the areas entered by the Turkish army and its hired mercenaries. This agreement provides us the opportunity to free the rest of the occupied Syrian territories and cities currently occupied by the Turkish army, such as Afrin and the other Syrian cities and towns.

Therefore, we inform all our people and all the components of our society in northern and eastern Syria, especially in the border areas, that this deployment came through coordination and agreement with the Self-Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria and the Syrian Democratic Forces.


The Self-Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria

Ayn Issa, October 13, 2019


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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