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Thirty-Three Dead and Wounded in Regime Bombardment

Regime warplanes continued their onslaught in northern Syria, striking a number of towns and villages, including an ambulance reports Smart News.
Thirty-Three Dead and Wounded in Regime Bombardment

On Thursday, 33 civilians were killed or wounded during a bombardment by Syrian regime warplanes on cities, towns and villages south of Idleb city in northern Syria.

The Violet Organization said in a statement seen by Smart News that three medics and a woman were killed and that three other medics were seriously wounded as a result of a regime warplane bombardment that hit one of the organization’s ambulances at the Maarat Nouman center during an emergency surgery, adding that the attack was a direct violation of the 1949 Geneva Convention.

Local activists added that five civilians, including two children, were killed and five others were wounded by a regime bombardment of the town of Hesh in the province’s south.

Six civilians were killed, including four children and seven others were wounded as a result of aerial bombardment by regime warplanes on the village of al-Mastouha, while a civilian was killed and two wounded by a similar bombardment on the outskirts of Maarat Masri.

Eleven civilians were previously killed and six others were wounded on, Jun. 19, 2019, by a regime bombardment of the village of Benin in southern Idleb.

Regime forces and Russia have been carrying out a heavy bombardment campaign on Idleb and Hama and northern Lattakia for weeks, which has killed and wounded hundreds of civilians and displaced hundreds of thousands.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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