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Foreign Ministry Urges UN Response Following Spate of Suicide Bombings Across Syria

Syria calls on UNSC to take punitive measures against countries that support terrorism following several deadly attacks on civilian areas
Foreign Ministry Urges UN Response Following Spate of Suicide Bombings Across Syria

Syria’s Foreign Ministry affirmed on Monday that the bombings which took place Monday in the cities of Tartous, Homs, the Damascus countryside and Hassakeh are a continuation of systematic terrorism targeting the country.

“A suicidal terrorist exploded his car bomb at Arzounah bridge at the entrance of Tartous city, then another terrorist detonated his explosive belt amid the citizens who have rushed to help the authorities rescue the wounded, claiming the lives of 30 citizens and injuring 43 others,” the ministry said in a statement addressed to the UN.

The ministry added that another suicide bomber detonated a car bomb at the entrance of Tadmur gate in Homs, killing four civilians and wounding 10 others, adding that two other bombers also blew themselves up in the Damascus countryside, killing one citizen and injuring three others.

A fourth explosion took place in Hassakeh when an explosives-laden motorbike was detonated in Marshou square, claiming the lives of five civilians and wounding many others.

“Those bloody terrorist explosions come as a continuation of the systemized terrorism perpetrated by terrorist organizations, like Fatah al-Sham, previously Nusra Font, Jaish al-Fatah (Army of Conquest), Ahrar al-Sham and many others, these organizations which some member states name as ‘moderate armed groups’ away from the spirit of the UN charter and rules,” the ministry added.

“The Syrian government calls on the UN security Council to immediately condemn the bloody crimes perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups and to assume its responsibility in preserving international peace and security… the Syrian government also calls on the Security Council to take punitive and deterrent procedures against the countries which support terrorism, particularly Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and France.”

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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