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Explosion Injures Russians in Quneitra Governorate

This is the second targeting of Russian forces during the month of August, according to Syrian Today.
Explosion Injures Russians in Quneitra Governorate

Unknown assailants targeted a Russian military patrol with an explosive device, which led to injuries in the town of al-Maalaqa in the southern countryside of Quneitra on Tuesday morning. 

Syrian Today learned from a media source from Quneitra that unknown assailants detonated an explosive device planted by the side of the road connecting Maalaqa town to Ghadeer al-Bustan. The incident led to the injury of Russian patrol members, who were taken to the Abaza government hospital in the city of Khan Arnaba. 

The source denied that any member of the patrol was killed due to the high lamination of Russian military vehicles, stressing that there were wounded people.

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The source, who “preferred not to be named for security reasons,” added that the Russian patrols belong to the Russian military police, which is based in the city of Khan Arnaba. He pointed out that there have been military patrols along the border strip with the Syrian Golan, occupied by Israel since 1967.

This is the second targeting of Russian forces during August, where unknown assailants targeted a Russian military patrol on the Damascus-Amman international road near the bridge of the town of Khirbet Ghazaleh on Friday, August 19th. The damage was limited to material damage.

It is worth mentioning that the Russian forces are multi-tasking in southern Syria. The Russian military police are entrusted with the task of conducting periodic patrols in the towns of southern Syria, while the tasks of the military forces are focused on following up the military operations of the regime forces and intervening to prevent any clash with the armed opposition. There are Russian intelligence units tasked with security studies of the region, and periodically raising them to the command of Russian forces at the Hemeimeem base in the countryside of Lattakia.

In a related context, an explosive device from the remnants of war exploded near a family in the town of Namer in the eastern countryside of Daraa. The explosion moderately injured the women and children, after which they were transferred to the government hospital of Izraa for appropriate treatment.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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