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U.S. and France Urge Accountability and Political Progress at UN Security Council Briefing on Syria

Wood reiterated that U.S. sanctions will remain in place until there is meaningful progress toward a political solution aligned with Resolution 2254
U.S. and France Urge Accountability and Political Progress at UN Security Council Briefing on Syria

New York, September 20, 2024 – During a UN Security Council briefing on the political and humanitarian crisis in Syria, both the United States and France stressed the need for accountability and progress in the political process to resolve the ongoing conflict. The meeting, which included statements from UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen and Director Ramesh Rajasingham, highlighted the dire situation facing Syrians after more than a decade of war.

U.S. Ambassador Robert Wood condemned the Syrian regime’s ongoing atrocities, citing the findings of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry (COI). The report detailed rampant human rights abuses by the regime, including arbitrary detention, torture, and sexual violence, amounting to crimes against humanity. Wood emphasized that these horrors underscore the need for accountability, stating, “Unless there is accountability for regime officials responsible for these atrocities, the systematic brutality will not end.” He urged the international community to stand firm in seeking justice for the Syrian people.

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Similarly, France’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Nicolas de Rivière, reiterated the importance of a credible political process, expressing concern over the Syrian regime’s failure to advance UN-led mediation based on Security Council Resolution 2254. De Rivière emphasized that France is prepared to lift sanctions and support reconstruction efforts, but only if tangible political progress is made. “The need to undertake a credible political process that meets the aspirations of the Syrians remains the only way to achieve a just and lasting peace,” he stated.

Both the U.S. and France reaffirmed their support for Special Envoy Pedersen’s efforts to revitalize the political process and urged the Syrian regime to engage meaningfully in Constitutional Committee meetings.

Humanitarian Crisis

Ambassador Wood and Representative de Rivière also highlighted the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Syria, with over 16 million people in need of aid. Wood called for unhindered humanitarian access across the country, particularly in hard-to-reach areas like the Rukban camp, where the Syrian regime and Russia have blocked UN aid deliveries.

De Rivière expressed France’s deep concern about rising food insecurity and lack of access to drinking water, particularly in northeastern Syria. He called on all states to respond to the urgent humanitarian needs and stressed the importance of cross-border aid. “We call on the Syrian regime to grant permanent authorizations to the Bab El Salam, Al Rai, and Bab El Hawa border crossings, without time limits,” he urged.

Both diplomats emphasized the need for strict adherence to international humanitarian law in Syria. France, in particular, called for greater international mobilization to address the worsening humanitarian conditions, while also praising the efforts of countries hosting over 6 million Syrian refugees. De Rivière acknowledged the strain on host countries and reiterated France’s commitment to supporting them.

Refugee Crisis and Reconstruction

Addressing the ongoing refugee crisis, de Rivière noted that economic, security, and political obstacles prevent the return of millions of Syrian refugees to their homeland. He emphasized that it is the responsibility of the Syrian regime to provide the necessary guarantees to facilitate safe returns. Wood echoed these concerns, highlighting that the U.S. will continue to support humanitarian efforts but will not fund regime-led reconstruction until genuine political progress is made.

In a strong statement, Wood reiterated that U.S. sanctions will remain in place until there is meaningful progress toward a political solution aligned with Resolution 2254. He also dismissed claims by the Syrian representative that the U.S. supports terrorist actions in Syria, calling the accusation “patently absurd” and a tactic borrowed from Russian disinformation playbooks.

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