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Russian Diplomat: Political Conditions Hinder Reconstruction of Syria

Nebenzia said that political conditions imposed by donors hinder the reconstruction of Syria and cause suffering to its people, according to the Syria Times.
Russian Diplomat: Political Conditions Hinder Reconstruction of Syria
Russian Diplomat: Political Conditions Hinder Reconstruction of Syria

The permanent Russian representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzia, stressed that the implementation of reconstruction projects in Syria is still subject to initial political conditions on the part of donors, which hinders these projects and causes suffering for the Syrians.

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In a meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation in Syria, Nebenzia stressed that “the United Nations humanitarian plan for Syria for the year 2022 for early recovery of medical and educational facilities and water networks suffers from a significant lack of funding,” noting that “these reasons play a major role in that as more than half of the Syrians live in areas that need to be cleared of mines, while electricity supplies are still experiencing severe shortages.”

 Nenbenzia indicated that he does not see any justification for extending the mechanism for the delivery of humanitarian aid across the border to Syria after its term expires next July.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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