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Amr Salem Reassures Citizens About Wheat

The Assad government is bracing for potential effects of the Ukrainian war on its economy, according to Baladi News.
Amr Salem Reassures Citizens About Wheat
Amr Salem Reassures Citizens About Wheat

The Assad government held an “emergency” meeting with dozens of Syrian businessmen to discuss ways to secure the strategic stockpile of Syria’s core resources impacted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

“A meeting of a government team with 85 businessmen from all governorates and various economic actors discussed ways to secure strategic stocks and flow of basic materials, mainly food,” said the Minister of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection Amr Salem. 

Salem claimed that Syria had prepared a plan about two weeks ago, before the start of the Russian military operation on Ukraine. The plan included a list of basic materials that should be avoided within the next Ramadan month, comprising 32 items. 

Read Also: Ukrainian War Impact: Syrian Government to Reduce Fuel Quantities

Salem noted that the import of some foreign items had been postponed, with priority given to food, in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

“We have good wheat in storage, and we are still receiving wheat shipments in good numbers. There are no problems or concerns. We have a supply schedule that will continue until the end of the year,” Salem said. 

Fear spread that a new crisis, particularly in wheat and energy, could hit regime-controlled areas, amid a new collapse in the Syrian currency.   

The Ukrainian crisis has had a wide impact on the global economy, including Syria. The conflict will impact Syria’s electricity sector, said Ayoub Arish, advisor to the prime minister. Arish predicted that most prices of goods and wheat supplies would rise.  


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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