
Syria Waits on COVAX for COVID-19 Vaccines

It is hoped that Syria will receive the coronavirus vaccine next month, although it is not known which vaccine it will be writes Hashtag Syria.
Syria Waits on COVAX for COVID-19 Vaccines

The General Director of al-Mouwasat Hospital, Dr. Essam al-Amin, expected the arrival of the first shipments of the coronavirus vaccines next month. Amin did not have knowledge of the type of vaccine that will be used, indicating that the matter is in the hands of COVAX, which will determine the name of the vaccine and the number of doses that will be provided to Syria.

The COVAX platform was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure rapid, fair, and equitable access to the coronavirus vaccines in all parts of the world, as soon as the vaccine becomes available.

In exclusive statements to Hashtag Syria, Amin said, “The Ministry of Health has gathered all the necessary data in the event that the vaccine becomes available, including data about the eligibility of the beneficiaries, the required doses, and those considered of higher priority for vaccination.”

Amin also said that, until now, the numbers of coronavirus cases recorded by the Ministry of Health are still logical, stressing that the health situation in relation to the pandemic is still under control. However, this is no guarantee that a new peak won’t happen, according to Amin.

He added, “Prevention, social distancing, and precautionary measures are among the most important means of preventing a new wave of the virus.”

As for the new strains that are being talked about, Amin said they are mutant strains, and the current strain is not the original strain from the global outbreak last year. He stressed that when the virus multiplies, its components undergo a genetic modification.

Amin also said that the new strains do not pose an additional risk when it comes to the spread of the virus, stressing that the vaccine, for now, is effective against all existing strains.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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