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Russian MoD: More Than 23,000 Terrorists Killed in Syria Last Year

As well as killing thousands of terrorists, Russia confirmed that hundreds of tanks, warehouse and vehicles had also been destroyed writes SANA.
Russian MoD: More Than 23,000 Terrorists Killed in Syria Last Year

Russia’s Ministry of Defense affirmed that thousands of terrorists were killed in Syria and hundreds of their positions, weapons warehouses and heavy equipment were destroyed during the war against terrorism last year.

On Thursday, the Ministry said in a statement that, “In 2018, more than 23,000 terrorists were killed in Syria, in addition to destroying 159 tanks, 57 armored vehicles, more than 900 cannons and about 3,000 machine-gun equipped cars belonging to terrorist groups.”

“Since September 2015, more than 87,000 terrorists including 830 of their leaders have been killed and more than 4,500 terrorists from the Commonwealth of Independent States were also killed,” the Ministry added.

The statement indicated that, “About 1,000 field camps, 10,000 ammunition and fuel warehouses, 650 tanks and 700 vehicles belonging to terrorists in Syria were also destroyed.”

The Ministry said that, “The Syrian Arab Army in cooperation with the supporting forces has established control over 96.5 percent of the Syrian territories.”

Since September 2015, the Russian forces, upon a request by the Syrian Arab Republic, have participated in supporting the tireless efforts exerted by the Syrian Arab Army in its war against terrorist organizations.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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