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Ala: Occupation, Terrorism, Economic Sanctions, and Destabilisation Are Main Causes for Humanitarian Crises

Syria’s Permanent Representative at the UN in Geneva decried the linking of aid to political conditions writes SANA.
Ala: Occupation, Terrorism, Economic Sanctions, and Destabilisation Are Main Causes for Humanitarian Crises

Syria’s Permanent Representative at the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam Eddin Ala, said that occupation, terrorism, economic sanctions and attempts to weaken and topple governments are main causes for many humanitarian crises and forced displacement, which have been witnessed in some countries.

In a statement at the 69th session of the Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Ala said that Syria shares the concerns of the UN regarding the current attempts to avoid providing pledged funds by linking them to political conditions and that Syria affirms the need to distance UN humanitarian agencies from politicization.

He said that dealing with issues related to forced displacement requires addressing the roots of this phenomenon, as this is the best way to stop suffering and allowing people to return to their homes.

“In our region, foreign occupation, terrorism and unilateral coercive procedures are still the main factors that cause humanitarian crises,” Ala said, stressing that the Israeli occupation is still the main cause of the forced displacement of millions of Palestinians.

He went on to say that in Syria, foreign-backed terrorism, along with the sanctions imposed on the Syria people, are main factors that caused the displacement of Syrians.

Ala stressed that lifting sanctions in order to provide better circumstances for the return of refugees is one of the requirements for this return, regretting that the negative repercussions of sanctions on the basic rights of Syrians are still being ignored.

He said that the achievements of the Syrian Armed Forces in the fight against terrorism made the situation more secure in many areas, allowing displaced people to return to their homes, while the government is working to rehabilitate liberated areas, adding that this has made the situation suitable for the voluntary return of displaced Syrians, which is a priority for the Syrian state.

Ala noted that thousands of displaced Syrians have already returned, and that the Syrian government welcomes dialogue with UN agencies that wish to cooperate in securing and facilitating the return of displaced people.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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