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Migration Turns Aleppo Into Ghost Town

There has been a mass migration from the rebel-held areas in northern Syria to Turkey or regime-held areas in the city of Aleppo
Migration Turns Aleppo Into Ghost Town

The military plan of the Syrian regime appears to be to empty the rebel-held areas from civilians in order to destroy them without drawing the condemnation of the international community. The plan so far appears to have been successful, as there have been waves of migration from those regions that have been violently shelled with explosive barrels.


Syrian activists said on Tuesday that dozens of Aleppo families have migrated from the rebel-held to the regime-held areas. People fled their neighborhoods after they were shelled for the fourth consecutive day.


The shelling has resulted in the deaths of more than 120 people, mostly civilians. Activists said that the field hospitals are filled with hundreds of injured people.


Aleppo Media Center confirmed the continued migration, and reported that the neighborhoods of Muyassar, Marjeh, al-Jazmati and Masaranieh are almost empty. The Center said that the Osman Bin Affan mosque in the Ummalieh region in Masaken Hanano, which was operating as a school, was shelled, killing about 12 children and destroying most of the mosque.  


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer 


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